Quilt/Block Specific - Items tagged as "Ferns"
This category contains patterns that were designed for specific quilts or blocks.
Digital quilting patterns designed and digitized by Tammy Oberlin.
Computerized quilting patterns.
*Sort by Newest to Oldest to see the newest patterns first.
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Digital designs will be available for instant download.
537 JN Vintage Compass Design Set
$ 75.00$ 60.00 -
2828G JN Vintage Compass Center Star $ 10.00
2264 Woven Star $ 10.00
2224A Marian's Floral Lonestar Diamond Half $ 15.00
2828J JN Vintage Compass Star 3 $ 10.00
2225A Feathered Fern Diamond Half $ 10.00
2298 Star & Background 12 $ 15.00
2828C JN Vintage Compass Background Ctr 1 $ 15.00
2264A Woven Star Block 2 $ 5.00
2225 Feathered Fern Diamond $ 15.00
2828F JN Vintage Compass Background Ctr 4 $ 15.00
2828E JN Vintage Compass Background Ctr 3 $ 15.00
2828D JN Vintage Compass Background Ctr 2 $ 15.00
2828B1 JN Vintage Compass Background Cnr2 $ 15.00
2828B JN Vintage Compass Background Cnr $ 15.00
2828A1 JN Vintage Compass Outer Bdr Cnr 2 $ 15.00
2828A JN Vintage Compass Outer Bdr $ 15.00
2828 JN Vintage Compass Outer Bdr Cnr $ 15.00